Farm practice

Getting more out of farmer meetings: a practical guide for advisors

Holding a meeting or workshop is a resource-heavy exercise; they take time to plan and organise, require materials, a venue, sometimes food, and usually persistent advertising and marketing. Engaging...

Evidence-based veterinary medicine: searching the evidence in practice

Evidence-based veterinary medicine techniques can be of enormous value to the general practitioner. There are some key processes to apply in order to search and find the science behind questions that...

Courageous Conversations: discrimination faced by students undertaking production animal clinical EMS

The problem of discrimination in the veterinary profession can seem like an insurmountable issue. At the recent Courageous Conversations conference Charlotte McCarroll discussed some of the research...

Qualitative behaviour assessment as an indicator of animal emotional welfare in farm assurance

To date, attempts to monitor animals' emotional state have focused on physiological measures considered to be associated with emotion (e.g. heart rate variability, cortisol in blood/hair/dung, body...

Youngstock housing design

Apart from the question of using the correct cleaning products at the correct dilution for the correct period of application, the ability to satisfactorily clean surfaces competently is a system...

Spring poisoning hazards

Glyphosate is a broad spectrum herbicide and is the most widely used herbicide worldwide. It is commonly used before sowing and also just before harvesting crops. It is an organophosphate herbicide...