
A survey of colostrum management practices on UK dairy farms

Dairy farmers were invited to participate on the social media platform of a large pharmaceutical company (MSD Animal Health). Data were collected under University of Glasgow ethics licence (number:...

Ovine Caesarean sections and assisted vaginal deliveries: a clinical audit

Data from 209 procedures and the associated postoperative checks were recorded through the survey, with the following splits between location, time and intervention required (Figure 1)..

Doe and kid activity in the first hours of life

Goats observed were from a 2000-goat dairy farm and primarily of Saanen breed. Kidding takes place four times per year, and approximately 400 does give birth during each kidding block. The herd breeds...

Ewe colostrum quality on commercial Welsh sheep farms

A total of 1295 samples were submitted from 64 farms in total, which represented 43.5% of the recruited farms. The median number of samples per farm was 20 (interquartile range 11–22). Forty three of...

OPEN ACCESS: Insights into UK farmers' attitudes towards cattle youngstock rearing and disease

The survey was undertaken during May 2018, was open to any UK farmer with online access who owned cattle and was promoted via Facebook and Twitter online social media platforms. Paid targeted online...

Impact of Flock Health Clubs

This is the first study to analyse the impact of Flock Health Clubs on veterinary surgeon–farmer relationships and on the management practices of farmers who take part in the initiative, with a...

Clinical findings from 218 downer cow cases in dairy cows from Gippsland, Australia

Downer cows, defined as bright, alert and responsive cows that have been recumbent for at least 1 day, are challenging for many veterinarians (Eddy, 2004). They can be difficult to examine and the...