
Lameness: a welfare perspective

Do lame cows go thin or do thin cows go lame? Low body condition score predisposes cows to lameness (Lim et al, 2015; Randall et al, 2015), but it has also been demonstrated that lame cows exhibit...

Analysis of genetic and performance data in dairy herds

If breeding is progressing in the right direction, the youngest animals should have the highest genetic merit (García-Ruiz et al, 2016). However, there is likely to be variation across the population....

Udder cleft dermatitis: a review

Small prevalence and risk factor studies from the Netherlands and Sweden—countries with broadly similar climates and dairy production systems to the UK—have been published. In the Dutch study, 5.2% of...


Johne's disease (JD) in cattle is a significant global animal health challenge. Johne's disease is chronic, affecting the gastrointestinal tract of cattle and other ruminants and is caused by the...

Bovine respiratory disease: prevention and control

It is not usually possible to determine the aetiology of BRD based on clinical examination alone; signs consistent with pneumonia are often observed irrespective of the causative agent. Both bacterial...

Impact of bovine herpesvirus-1 infection on fertility in dairy cattle

Primary infection with BoHV-1 results in local dissemination as the virus spreads from cell to cell across the mucosal surface, either in the respiratory or reproductive tract mucosa. It has proved...

Harnessing farmer engagement to develop a 10-point plan to control Johne's disease in dairy herds

This article uses a mixture of academic literature and expert opinions to establish common reasons for the success or failure of farmer and veterinary engagement in disease management programmes, with...