Use of NSAIDs in the management of lameness in dairy cattle

Several randomised controlled trials have investigated the efficacy of NSAIDs as part of different treatment regimens using a range of outcome measures. A systematic literature review has recently...

Reviewing the diagnosis and treatment of digital dermatitis in dairy herds

A reliable and affordable diagnostic test for BDD is not available and so the gold standard for diagnosis remains lifting feet for examination in a foot-trimming crush. This is time-consuming and...

Latest concepts relevant to treatment of digital dermatitis in dairy cattle

Digital dermatitis is a polymicrobial infection, with many hundreds of bacterial species found in lesions (Krull et al, 2014; Zinicola et al, 2015). Changes in bacterial populations and relative...

On-farm culture and pathogen identification: risks and benefits

When using OFC it is important that mastitis caused by Gram-positive pathogens is not missed, as these infections are likely to benefit from treatment. Table 1 shows reported sensitivity, specificity...

Treating clinical mastitis in dairy herds: a role for on farm culture?

Making decisions ‘cow-side’ to select those clinical mastitis cases that are unlikely to benefit from treatment with antibiotic has become an area of considerable interest in the research literature...

Early detection and prompt effective treatment of lameness in dairy cattle

Despite the well documented economic and welfare impacts of lameness, one of the fundamental difficulties continues to be how the farm team define and recognise the behavioural changes associated with...