Dairy cattle are metabolic athletes. Energy requirements for the average dairy cow double from a week before calving to just after calving. It is important to emphasise just how great the energy...
When presented with a clinical scenario, a standard clinical history needs to be taken. This should include the following:.
The process of colostrogenesis can be defined as the secretion of colostrum components from polarised epithelial cells located within the alveoli of the mammary gland (Cristea and Polyak, 2018;...
As detailed in Tables 2 and 3, example rations can be constructed for suckler beef cows depending on stage of production and estimated requirements. AHDB Beef has an excellent ration calculator that...
Historically, formulations of CMR have differed significantly from WM in their levels of energy, protein and minerals. Energy source is one of the major differences, and arguably one of the most...
Epigenetics describes influences on and effects of differences in gene expression. DNA contains a code made out of genes which encode proteins/enzymes. Proteins are produced in the processes of...