Major metabolic disorders of sheep: what is new and what can we do?

Hypocalcaemia is usually seen in late gestation. As with ovine pregnancy toxaemia, it tends to occur in the last 6 weeks of pregnancy. Parturient paresis, caused by hypocalcaemia, is rare in sheep but...

Livestock Workshops: transition nutrition for the dairy herd

Dairy cattle are metabolic athletes. Energy requirements for the average dairy cow double from a week before calving to just after calving. It is important to emphasise just how great the energy...

Subclinical hypocalcaemia in dairy cows: definition and implications

The studies summarised here reported variable and even contradictory associations between postpartum blood calcium concentrations and milk production. These associations, as well as some of the...

The recumbent ewe

Hypocalcaemia is commonly seen in ewes in late pregnancy (last 6 weeks of gestation), and may also occur sporadically in early lactation. The pathophysiology is similar to that of milk fever in cows,...