Calving pen management

A total of 66 dairy farms in Northern Ireland were visited in 2019 on three occasions over a 3 week period to measure and collate data on the environment pertaining to calf management. Full details...

Calf jackets: a review of science and practice

There have been a relatively small number of published trials carried out on commercial farms or research facilities in the UK. The basic data presented in these trials are summarised in Table 2....

Infection reservoirs and transmission of digital dermatitis in the dairy herd

The most recently calculated reproduction ratio (R0) for DD is 2.36, meaning that in the absence of control measures it is expected that each case will give rise to 2.36 further cases (Biemans et al,...

Youngstock housing design

Apart from the question of using the correct cleaning products at the correct dilution for the correct period of application, the ability to satisfactorily clean surfaces competently is a system...

Salmonella spp. in pigs: an update on diagnostics and control

Sampling on farm is important to determine the areas of the unit which have high environmental Salmonella spp. contamination. The most common samples include individual pig faeces, pooled faeces...