Sheep-associated malignant catarrhal fever in cattle: an update

Mature herpes virions vary from 120–260 nm in size. The core of the virion comprises double-stranded DNA held inside a 115–130 nm icosahedral capsid. The nucleocapsid is surrounded by a dense...

Clinical examination of the adult camelid

Taking a thorough history is important, either before arrival on farm or animal-side, before clinical examination. This can provide insight into the owner's knowledge of, and worries about, the...

Reviewing the diagnosis and treatment of digital dermatitis in dairy herds

A reliable and affordable diagnostic test for BDD is not available and so the gold standard for diagnosis remains lifting feet for examination in a foot-trimming crush. This is time-consuming and...

On-farm culture and pathogen identification: risks and benefits

When using OFC it is important that mastitis caused by Gram-positive pathogens is not missed, as these infections are likely to benefit from treatment. Table 1 shows reported sensitivity, specificity...

Abomasal ulcers in cattle

Many possible causes of abomasal ulcers have been suggested and investigated but the aetiology of them is still not definitively known. It is commonly accepted that a disruption in the balance between...

How to set up a postmortem facility in a farm animal practice

Clients should be able to deliver carcasses along with an appropriate history/submission form, directly to the postmortem facility without bringing them through the practice building/s. Carcasses (and...

Mycoplasma spp. mastitis — approach to diagnosis

Mycoplasma spp. mastitis outbreaks are rare, but when they occur they tend to be characterised by recurrent mastitis that is non-responsive to treatment, and a high rate of subclinical infections.

The impact of swine influenza and how to control it on farm

Swine influenza is caused by influenza A virus which is an orthomyxovirus 80–120 nm in diameter, comprising eight pieces of segmented RNA coding for 12 proteins, including haemagglutinin (HA),...