The process of colostrogenesis can be defined as the secretion of colostrum components from polarised epithelial cells located within the alveoli of the mammary gland (Cristea and Polyak, 2018;...
A total of 1295 samples were submitted from 64 farms in total, which represented 43.5% of the recruited farms. The median number of samples per farm was 20 (interquartile range 11–22). Forty three of...
The definition of FTPI has often been stated to be a serum IgG concentration of less than 10 mg/ml. While calves with serum IgG concentration below this cutpoint are consistently found to be at...
The feeding of an adequate volume of good quality, clean colostrum as soon as possible after birth is arguably the most significant effect a farmer can have on the life of a cow. Providing simple...
Over a 2-day period, in the first week of lambing, four 4–5-day-old lambs presented with weakness and unresponsiveness. A total of 10 out of 150 lambs died in this first week. The lambs were treated...
Due to the small numbers of research papers published on WM, a broad, systematic approach was used to try to identify as many peripheral studies, letters and reports as possible (Figure 1). Three...