Newborn calf welfare: effects of birth assistance, colostrum feeding and cow–calf separation

The welfare of calves during the birth process has not been researched but a number of studies have investigated the welfare of newborn calves in the immediate post-birth period, often relating...

Economics of heifer rearing on dairy farms

Research from 101 farms across Great Britain reported that the cost of rearing a heifer from birth to first calving varied significantly between farms, from £505.10 to £2147.50 per heifer reared...

Colostrum quality and composition

The process of colostrogenesis can be defined as the secretion of colostrum components from polarised epithelial cells located within the alveoli of the mammary gland (Cristea and Polyak, 2018;...

Use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs at calving

Calving is a complex process with three recognised stages (Figures 1 and 2), each associated with different sources of pain. Pain is a subjective experience defined by the International Association...

Challenges of pre-weaning calf housing

The prevalence of BRD in the UK has been reported to be 46%, accounting for approximately a third of deaths in pre-weaned calves (Johnson et al, 2017), and is considered to be the most important...

Youngstock health: Effective disease prevention today ensuring tomorrow's profitable herd

The feeding of an adequate volume of good quality, clean colostrum as soon as possible after birth is arguably the most significant effect a farmer can have on the life of a cow. Providing simple...