Cattle Review: May–June

02 May 2023
3 mins read
Volume 28 · Issue 3



In this Cattle Review we consider a paper on prioritising practical skills for UK veterinary graduates, and two recent papers featuring antimicrobial resistance related research undertaken in Canada. All three papers are open access and easily available.

Practical skills teaching

As farm animal clinical practice continues to evolve, it is timely to gather expert opinion on, and form an evidence base for, the practical skill requirements for new graduates entering UK farm animal practice to ensure that undergraduate training maps to the needs of the profession.

In this study by Wood et al (2023) (Veterinary Record10.1002/vetr.2643) existing lists of practical skills for cattle and sheep were reviewed. Practitioners were then recruited from UK farm and mixed veterinary practices to take part in a Delphi process to gain consensus on the most (and least) important skills for day 1 in practice.

The results indicate that students need skills that build trust and credibility with clients, in particular; animal handling, examining and treating sick animals and coping in an emergency until support arrives. Practitioners also acknowledged that new graduates would receive further training once in employment. This study was limited to practical skills, although it was clear from the qualitative data that professional attributes are of key importance to employers and necessary for the success of graduates starting in practice. The findings of this project will enable veterinary educators and practitioners within educational partnerships to review and update current curricula and prioritise teaching of appropriate learning objectives for farm practical skills.

Antimicrobial resistant E. coli

Despite its importance in veterinary medicine, there is little information about antimicrobial resistance and its transmission in dairy cattle. The aim of this work by Massé et al (2023) (Veterinary Sciences10.3390/vetsci10040242) is to compare antimicrobial resistance phenotypes and genotypes in resistant Escherichia coli and to determine how the resistance genes spread among the E. coli population on dairy farms in Québec, Canada.

From an existing culture collection of E. coli isolated from dairy manure, a convenient selection of 118 of the most resistant isolates (a high level of multidrug resistance or resistance to broad-spectrum β-lactams or fluoroquinolones) was analysed. An antimicrobial resistance phenotype profile was obtained for each isolate. Whole genome sequencing was used to determine the presence of resistance genes, point mutations and mobile genetic elements. In addition, a subset of isolates from 86 farms was taken to investigate the phylogenetic relationship and geographical distribution of the isolates.

The average agreement between antimicrobial resistance phenotypes and genotypes was 95%. A third-generation cephalosporin resistance gene (blaCTX-M-15), a resistance gene conferring reduced susceptibility to fluoroquinolones (qnrS1) and an insertion sequence (ISKpn19) were detected in the vicinity of each other on the genome. These genes were harboured in one triplet of clonal isolates from three farms located >100 km apart. The study reveals the dissemination of resistant E. coli clones between dairy farms. Furthermore, these clones are resistant to broad-spectrum β-lactam and fluoroquinolone antimicrobials.

Barriers to new regulation

With the emergence of antimicrobial resistance, many countries are implementing restrictive regulations to reduce antimicrobial use (AMU) in animal production. Although these measures are effective at the national level, their implementation may generate challenges for producers and veterinarians. The objective of a study by Millar et al (2023) (Frontiers in Veterinary Science10.3389/fvets.2023.1025781) was to explore the barriers and facilitators of implementing a new regulation restricting the use of antimicrobials of very high importance (third- and fourth-generation cephalosporins, polymyxins, and fluoroquinolones) for human health in the dairy production sector in the province of Québec, Canada. Individual interviews were conducted with 15 veterinarians and 27 dairy producers. Thematic analysis was performed based on the capability–opportunity–motivation–behaviour (COM-B) model of behaviour change.

Results indicated that the lack of availability of alternative treatments, the long delays related to diagnostic tests and the fear of economic consequences were major barriers to the implementation of the regulation. A small number of producers also perceived that the regulation negatively impacted the health and wellbeing of their animals. Additionally, participants acknowledged the importance of early education and training to better understand the purpose of the regulation and increase its acceptability. Lastly, most participants reported that they had not only reduced their use of antimicrobials of very high importance for human health following the regulation but they had also increased preventive practices on their farm.

This study reveals that the implementation of restrictive regulations to reduce AMU in animal production can lead to multiple challenges in practice. The results highlight the need for better communication and training of producers and veterinarians before and during the implementation of similar regulations in the future, and underline the importance of measuring the direct and indirect impacts of those regulations on productivity and on animal health and wellbeing. It is clear from reading this paper that there are many similarities with our experiences in the UK, when similar prescribing restrictions were implemented through changes in quality assurance and restrictions imposed by milk buyers.