Cattle Congress brings livestock vets together

02 September 2024
3 mins read
Volume 29 · Issue 5


British Cattle Veterinary Association board member, James Adams, tells us what Congress means to him and how this year's event has an invaluable programme to meet the needs of the farm vet profession

I have six teachers in my family, and they have started to moan, which means one thing… Autumn is on its way. For large animal vets, this season also indicates an increase in workload, as well as a juggling of rotas as people attempt to attend the various Congresses so that they can catch up with friends, perhaps even with the boss paying for the hotel!

Being a curious sort, I have wondered ‘why is it called a Congress?’ Not surprisingly the term derives from the Latin congressus, which in the late Middle English times denoted an encounter during a battle! Certainly, there might be the odd debate in the bar, when sunrise is closer than sunset, but in looking further back into how the word ‘congress’ came into being (‘con’ (together) and ‘gradi’ (walk)), we get to the crux of what British Cattle Veterinary Association (BCVA) Congress 2024 is about: unifying (practice life) and progressing (looking forward).

These are the two main streams that run through the three days of lectures, workshops and discussions, and the areas that our two keynote speakers will be touching on.

‘Practice life’ covers the broad range of topics that those of you who spend your days in practice vehicles are likely to encounter once you put on your wellies. The majority of BCVA members are practising vets, and we want to invest in your learning and help maintain your curiosity and interest to keep you within the profession.

‘Looking forward’ is what we must do as a profession if we are to attract future farm vets, keep those of you reading this editorial in a position to thrive, and ensure that British farms are sustainable and accountable to the consumer.

BCVA board member, James Adams

We are really pleased to be welcoming two members of the House of Lords as our keynote speakers. Lord Alexander ‘Sandy’ Trees, who will have taught many of you, is to give a ‘looking forward’ talk titled ‘Climate, cattle and CH4; how vets can ensure that ruminants have a future’. I am currently backpacking around South America (mainly by bus!) and I've been surprised (and a bit disappointed) by how many of my fellow travellers no longer eat beef as a result of its ‘environmental impact’ – with little thought given to the benefits bovines may be bringing to the environment. I'm sure Lord Trees would enlighten them all and will give us something to consider as we chew on our beef at The Gala Dinner. Lady Minette Batters will open Congress, and we look forward to being enlightened by a trailblazing farmer, who sees the importance of British food and farming if we, as a country, are to achieve net zero.

Let us be honest, most vets do tend to have a lot to say for themselves – and this can be a good thing, certainly when we are looking for influential contributions to important conversations. (At this point I'd like to congratulate Mr Danny Chambers on now having the most public of platforms on which to inflict his jokes!). This year, at BCVA Congress, we are pleased to welcome BVA President Liz Molyneux who will update delegates on the Competition and Markets Authority discussions.

The production of new graduates who are confident to face the rigours of practice in 2024 will also be discussed on a Saturday afternoon, and we will explore how we can evolve as a profession to meet the needs of our clients and staff—so please come and share your views so all voices are heard and ideas explored.

The RCVS is currently working to develop a postgraduate framework, and the lack of farm-orientated voices has been noted. Come on, people. Do not be shy. Again, please speak up if you want the profession to reflect your needs and you think you can help make farm animal practice a career that new graduates find appealing.

We have talked about what is new and unique to this year—but we know that some of us are creatures of habit and come to Congress for fresh takes on familiar topics: TB, calf health and vet life! Further, the socials are why some of us register without even looking at the programme! I'm looking forward to both the black-tie event and charity bingo! The faint whiff of dairy chemicals! Speed cameras! They will all be there in Newport in October. I hope to see as many of you as possible there.