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Parasite control in regenerative livestock farming

02 May 2023
16 mins read
Volume 28 · Issue 3
Figure 1. Sensitive management of pastures can foster plants such as this bee orchid (Ophrys apifera)
Figure 1. Sensitive management of pastures can foster plants such as this bee orchid (Ophrys apifera)


Advocates of regenerative livestock farming claim a multitude of benefits following adoption of practices based on high intensity, short duration, long rest rotational grazing, amongst which is a reduction in parasitism and the use of anthelmintics. There are limited scientific data to support such claims and much of what little evidence there is emanates from North America and South Africa, so it would be useful if the observations and experiences of UK adoptees could be backed up with some well-controlled field studies. In their absence, considerations of some aspects of known parasite biology, such as the larval ecology of parasitic nematodes, can shed light on likely outcomes of various types of pasture, grazing and animal management. Minimising the use of anthelmintics in regenerative systems requires effective monitoring to ensure that animal performance and health do not suffer as a result of parasitism; for youngstock, growth rate is the most reliable marker for subclinical parasitic gastroenteritis. Consideration should also be given to other parasites that can affect grazing livestock, such as lungworm, fluke, ticks and flies, in order to determine the influence of regenerative management on the parasite fauna and their collective impact on sheep and cattle.

Recently there has been an upsurge of interest in regenerative agricultural practices amongst the farming community, the wider agricultural industry, the media and the public. The term regenerative was first used by an organic pioneer, Robert Rodale, in the USA. Not to dwell on semantics, but the (over-used) term ‘sustainable’ typically implies maintenance of the status quo and ensuring no further deterioration, whereas regenerative advocates seek to continually adapt and improve practices to reverse some of the adverse effects of ‘conventional’ agriculture. Regenerative agriculture can mean different things to different people, but its general principles typically include:

The extent to which these aspirations are reached is currently based largely on observations, case studies, experiences and anecdotes but, given the current high level of interest, it is anticipated that outcomes of regenerative agriculture will be underpinned by more quantitative and objective research in the future. Time will tell whether regenerative farming becomes the norm or whether it is a temporary phenomenon, but there are several reasons why it is likely to play a key role in the immediate future of agriculture. Firstly, the recent increases in costs of inputs, such as diesel fuel, fertilisers and feed, are forcing farmers to reassess their farming practices and, secondly, regenerative philosophies appeal to many consumers and also to politicians, research funders and governments. DEFRA (2022) has recently introduced the Sustainable Farming Incentive, which includes elements of regenerative agriculture, such as ‘improved grassland soils’, as options to qualify to receive certain agricultural subsidies.

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