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Lameness in dairy heifers: a narrative review of control strategies

02 March 2021
14 mins read
Volume 26 · Issue 2


Lameness is a prevalent condition in mature dairy cows, but the common underlying diseases — sole bruising-sole ulcers, white line lesions and digital dermatitis — invariably arise from management factors in first lactation or rearing. The published evidence would indicate once infected by the Treponemes causing digital dermatitis, heifers retain these bacteria in the skin despite apparent clinical resolution, meaning the emphasis of control should be placed on minimising risk of early life exposure, largely through biocontainment, foot cleaning and foot disinfection. For sole bruising and sole ulcers, there has been a major switch from the acidosis and laminitis-base models of disease, to a biomechanical pathogenesis for claw horn lesions. This has focused attention on the development and preservation of the digital cushion, with the emphasis on preventive strategies combined with early intervention involving anti-inflammatory drugs among other things. This article reviews the evidence-based underpinning the rationale that heifers should be the focus of foot health control, a message that can be challenging to convey when the perceived problem invariably sits with how to deal with chronic, end-stage lesions.

Lameness remains one of the major welfare challenges facing the dairy industry because it is painful (Whay, 1997), often severe and long-lasting (Leach et al, 2012; Groenevelt et al, 2014), and highly prevalent (Griffiths et al, 2018; Randall et al, 2019). Historically, much of the focus has been on proactive treatment and care of the very lame cow (Bell and Main, 2011). However, increasingly the published evidence shows that by delaying treatment until the condition has progressed, cure rates are lowered (Thomas et al, 2016), recurrence rates are higher (Groenevelt et al, 2014) and lesions are more severe (Groenevelt et al, 2014). This means a primary focus on treatment of severe lameness may be the most unrewarding and costly approach to lameness, despite being the most common scenario.

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