
Building for the dairy cow

Getting the housing right is important for any herd, but it becomes increasingly so the longer the housing period. Just as there is an increase in numbers of seasonally block-calving herds in the UK,...

The role of the Animal Sentience Committee

To give you some background on the committee membership, I am the former chair of the Animal Health and Welfare Board for England and current chairman of Animal Medicines Training Regulatory...

Livestock Workshops: transition nutrition for the dairy herd

Dairy cattle are metabolic athletes. Energy requirements for the average dairy cow double from a week before calving to just after calving. It is important to emphasise just how great the energy...

How can we contribute to sustainability goals?

The United Nations has defined 17 Sustainable Development Goals including no poverty, zero hunger, good health and wellbeing, gender equality, clean water, climate action and sustainable use of the...

Livestock Workshops: bull fertility testing

All measures should be taken to ensure that the sample seen down the microscope is a representative biopsy of what would be ejaculated during natural service. Cold shock is the most common and...

Improving care for animals and clients

In this edition, as usual, we have an excellent range of articles from vets at all stages of their careers. What links them all together is the fact that they combine practical guidance and an...

National TB Conference: a collaborative approach towards a TB-free future

On the 29 November at the Sixways Stadium in Worcester, over 260 delegates attended a National TB Conference. The title was ‘A collaborative approach towards a tb free future’. I think the large...

CattleReview – Jan/Feb 2024

Farming sustainably can mean many different things, but the continued ability to control nematode parasites is perhaps one of the starkest examples of where planning for long-term sustainability is...

Technological advances for common cattle health problems

It seems as if we hear something new about artificial intelligence (AI) almost daily. It is the hot topic of 2023 – in fact on the day I write this it has been confirmed that AI is Collins...