Farm practice

The canine DNA recovery project: preventing livestock injuries and fatalities

One of the biggest challenges faced in managing dog attacks on livestock is accurately identifying the responsible dog. The CDnaRP provides confirmatory evidence, removing ambiguity and allowing us to...

Improving testing and treatment of respiratory disease in calves

CVS' Dyfed Farm Vets is undertaking a project to improve the use of diagnostic testing of respiratory disease in calves to better manage herds, guide appropriate treatments and reduce the unnecessary...

Time to reframe animal health planning?

Assurance schemes are voluntary schemes that establish and regulate standards covering food safety, animal welfare and environmental protection. A farm-to-fork review of UK farm assurance schemes is...

Update to UK calf management and housing strategies

A questionnaire of UK farmers who reared dairy calves commercially was carried out in 2020, and had 216 responses (Mahendran et al, 2022). A key finding wasthe recognition of the low level of regular...

Update on liver fluke in sheep and cattle

The liver fluke life cycle takes around 20 weeks to complete and requires a snail intermediate host (Figure 1). Mature flukes (Figure 2) reside in the liver of the definitive host. Fluke eggs are...

UK practitioners' motivations and experiences of farm animal internship programmes

A questionnaire was created using a proprietary online survey tool (Jisc Software Package, Bristol, UK). The questionnaire comprised 14 questions with a range of free text and multiple-choice...

How can we contribute to sustainability goals?

The United Nations has defined 17 Sustainable Development Goals including no poverty, zero hunger, good health and wellbeing, gender equality, clean water, climate action and sustainable use of the...

Livestock Workshops: eradication of disease

BVD virus is in the Flaviviridae family. There are two genotypes, BVD 1 and 2. BVD 1 occurs in the UK, and there are two biotypes: cytopathic and non-cytopathic. Most persistently infected calves have...

Large animal dermatology: common cases

It is June in North Somerset and the NADIS (2023) forecast shows a high risk for period for myiasis. A client with a flock of 60 Poll Dorset ewes has called because one of the rams has a large area of...