
A practical introduction to the thoracic ultrasonography of sheep

It is possible to obtain diagnostic quality images using linear and curvilinear rectal-style transducers; however, the shape of the probe is difficult to hold and maintain contact with the convex...

Ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma diagnosis and control in practice

Currently there are no serological tests available commercially because of the lack of detectable immune response to JSRV in infected animals. In the molecular blood tests that are available,...

The recumbent ewe

Hypocalcaemia is commonly seen in ewes in late pregnancy (last 6 weeks of gestation), and may also occur sporadically in early lactation. The pathophysiology is similar to that of milk fever in cows,...

Case report: failure of passive transfer and neonatal infections in a cohort of lambs

Over a 2-day period, in the first week of lambing, four 4–5-day-old lambs presented with weakness and unresponsiveness. A total of 10 out of 150 lambs died in this first week. The lambs were treated...

Watery mouth disease in neonatal lambs: a systematic literature review

Due to the small numbers of research papers published on WM, a broad, systematic approach was used to try to identify as many peripheral studies, letters and reports as possible (Figure 1). Three...

Trace elements in sheep — are they really a cure all?

Copper is an essential part of many enzymes in the body and without it, the body is unable to properly function (Table 2). There are approximately 300 copper-binding proteins that exist in animals....