
The future of AI for livestock veterinary practice

There is often a degree of confusion as to what ‘AI’ is; particularly with the ‘intelligence’ component, with it often being presumed that AI algorithms are truly intelligent, and able to ‘think’ as...

Better off by association

Becoming a board member of BCVA in 2020, I quickly put my hand up for the job of collaborating with students. Getting into vet school is one thing, qualifying from vet school is another – qualifying...

Why aren't students choosing farm animal practice and what can be done about it?

To the author it is clear: as a profession we must do better to support and encourage students to pursue careers in farm animal practice. With this relying on vets working in clinical practice just as...

Utilising interpersonal skills to manage challenging client behaviour

Although unpleasant or abusive behaviour is never justified, it is important to consider what we do not know about the client's circumstances. It is human nature to make snap assumptions and...

Will Defra's new Sustainable Farming Incentive ease farmers’ transition away from subsidies?

Area-based direct payments will have been phased out in England by 2028. The process of removal is a gradual one over the transition period. Indeed, farmers will have already received the first...

How a focus on nonverbal communication can help with difficult conversations

All hands were raised at the 2021 British Cattle Veterinary Association Congress (BCVA) workshop when participants were asked, ‘who has experienced a difficult conversation?’. The workshop aimed to...

Are you ready for the Medicine Hub challenge?

The Medicine Hub can be found at: It accepts usage or sales data, inputted by farmer, veterinary practice or thirdparty data holder, such as software company, processor,...

Practice and beyond: different career paths as a farm vet

A career as a farm veterinary surgeon is versatile and provides many skills that can be used and transferred both within farm practice and beyond — we hope that by sharing our experiences we can help...

Post pandemic problems

I hope I'm not putting the cart before the horse when I say (I hope) that life may be entering a new ‘normal’ as we learn to live with COVID-19. BCVA Congress provided the first chance in 2 years to...

Control of bovine tuberculosis and Johne's disease in cattle

Does OTF status mean that a herd is actually free of endemic M. bovis infection or is the skin test failing to identify infected animals, particularly in herds that have recently regained OTF status?...