
Better off by association

Becoming a board member of BCVA in 2020, I quickly put my hand up for the job of collaborating with students. Getting into vet school is one thing, qualifying from vet school is another – qualifying...

Allowing cows a choice

This week I found myself staring at an empty field. I was somewhat surprised by this as – as far as I could tell as a human – it was a beautiful day to be outside: sunny, a pleasant 19°C and the...

Drawing people into the profession

We all have an opinion on why Gen Z don't want to be farm vets. It is important to acknowledge the barriers that are preventing those from joining our sector of the profession and not be dismissive of...

Cattle foot health: best foot forward

October 2022 saw the launch of the new Lantra-approved Cattle Foot Health courses to help vets and foot trimmers teach best foot trimming practice to farmers. The author reflects on what she hopes to...

Genetics can play a bigger role in breeding out lameness

The odds of a cow having sole ulcers declined by 32% for every point increase in lameness advantage in the animals taking part..

Cattle Review

Claw horn lesions (CHL) are reported as the most common cause of lameness in intensive dairy systems. Despite their prevalence, the underlying pathological mechanisms and preventive strategies for CHL...

Time to engage sheep farmers with Medicine Hub

The sheep sector in the UK is one of the most disparate and fragmented, with medicine recording ranging from computer-based farm management software to scraps of paper in a pocket. Practices hold...