
Why aren't students choosing farm animal practice and what can be done about it?

To the author it is clear: as a profession we must do better to support and encourage students to pursue careers in farm animal practice. With this relying on vets working in clinical practice just as...

Clinical forum: Running medicines training for ruminant farmers

This interest in medicine best practice has been paralleled by the Red Tractor assurance scheme that has gradually included additional recommendations and requirements in its cattle and sheep...

Control of bovine tuberculosis and Johne's disease in cattle

Does OTF status mean that a herd is actually free of endemic M. bovis infection or is the skin test failing to identify infected animals, particularly in herds that have recently regained OTF status?...

Can communication in farm animal veterinary practice be improved through a focus on the non-verbal element? A clinical forum

In my opinion eye contact is one of the most important forms of non-verbal communication. It enables me to gauge the meaning of a conversation and it also demonstrates that I am engaged with the topic...