Farm practice

Shared-practice approach to responsible antimicrobial use in farm animal vets in Wales

Every practice offering farm animal services was identified through the veterinary delivery partners and invited to nominate one vet to represent their practice on the network. That vet would also act...

Parasiticides: perspectives and prospects

The introduction of relatively more efficacious and safe parasite treatments can conveniently be traced from the early 1960s, though many of the older treatments were still in use at this time. A book...

The Animal Health and Welfare Pathway for England: an update

These are different for the different species involved. For cattle we have settled on bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD). For sheep there will be anthelmintic resistance testing and for pigs there will be...

Virtual fencing systems: balancing production and welfare outcomes

Figure 1 highlights the main generic components of VF. This article will aim to cover these capabilities as a family, though will necessarily mention individual products. In summary, all animals in...

Bracken poisoning

Bracken (Pteridium species) (Figure 1) is a genus of ancient, large coarse ferns. It is a very common and widespread plant that grows throughout the world (except where it is very cold or very dry)....

Q fever: a disease with underappreciated significance?

C. burnetii is a small, Gram-negative bacterium and obligate intra-cellular pathogen that causes Q fever. C. burnetii can infect humans, cattle, goats, sheep and many other mammals. C. burnetii...

Parasite control in regenerative livestock farming

A core principle of regenerative agriculture in both crop production and animal husbandry is the maintenance and improvement of soil structure and function, with emphasis on its biology and organic...

Why aren't students choosing farm animal practice and what can be done about it?

To the author it is clear: as a profession we must do better to support and encourage students to pursue careers in farm animal practice. With this relying on vets working in clinical practice just as...

The importance of the human–animal relationship for commercial farms

The health and welfare of livestock is paramount on farm, and the need to reduce stress and fear is included in the Animal Welfare Act 2006. The influence of human behaviour on animals should be...

Regenerative agriculture — the practices involved and its position within modern agricultural systems

There is no singular, approved definition of regenerative farming, as highlighted by a review of 28 different studies (Schreefel et al, 2020). Robert Rodale (1930–1990) first coined the term...

Impact of phyto-oestrogens on reproductive health of sheep

Phyto-oestrogens are all non-steroidal compounds that can bind to oestrogen receptors. The compounds found in plants of agricultural and veterinary importance include isoflavones and coumestans. The...

Prioritising antibiotic selection in farm animal practice

As has been demonstrated by multiple veterinarians and veterinary practices across the UK, moving towards ever more responsible antibiotic prescribing in line with the AMEG guidelines is certainly...