
Parasitic control at housing in cattle: a modern rationale

The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board's (AHDB) (2020) parasite control guide provides all anthelmintic preparations currently available for cattle. Anthelmintic classes available include...

OPEN ACCESS: Insights into UK farmers' attitudes towards cattle youngstock rearing and disease

The survey was undertaken during May 2018, was open to any UK farmer with online access who owned cattle and was promoted via Facebook and Twitter online social media platforms. Paid targeted online...

Calf jackets: a review of science and practice

There have been a relatively small number of published trials carried out on commercial farms or research facilities in the UK. The basic data presented in these trials are summarised in Table 2....

CattleReview: November–December 2020

The objective of a study by Cattaneo et al (2020) (The Veterinary Journal was to assess how uterine disorders alter the lying behaviour and plasma...

Modernising BRD control

Treatment will be most effective if it is given as early as possible in the course of a disease. Traditionally the diagnosis of pneumonia is based on visual signs of respiratory disease (e.g. reduced...

Youngstock diseases — an immunological perspective

Current understanding of the development of the immune system in neonatal calves emphasises the importance of reducing stress and avoiding inappropriate antibiotic use.

Calf scour management and alternative therapies

Prevention is better than cure undoubtedly, but allied to that is a new approach to the types of products that should be considered in the light of current antimicrobial resistance issues and the...

Practical use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in farm practice

NSAIDs work by targeting the pro-inflammatory pathway and preventing synthesis of proinflammatory substances. They prevent the conversion of arachidonic acid into prostaglandins and thromboxane, by...

Dry cow environment management and mastitis control in dairy herds

For many veterinary surgeons and advisors, a herd health approach can be difficult for those clients that run spring calving systems, particularly as mastitis control is often perceived to be very...

Understanding the social behaviour of dairy cattle can benefit welfare and productivity

SNA is being utilised with increasing prevalence to untangle patterns of social behaviour. Originally, this approach was used to aid the understanding of human relationships, but it has recently been...

Pre-breeding heifer examination and selection in UK beef herds

The RTS system (Anderson et al, 1991) ranges from score 1–5, indicating prepubescent to pubescent reproductive tracts, respectively. The reproductive tracts are palpated per rectum, and a score...