
Cattle Review: November–December

Bovine paratuberculosis (Johne's disease) is an endemic disease caused by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map). Map is mainly transmitted between herds through movement of infected but...

Mastitis pattern analysis: epidemiology into practice

Recently, work published at University of Nottingham has used machine learning to improve the original mastitis pattern analysis tool and has refined the algorithms used (Hyde et al, 2020). The...

Calving pen management

A total of 66 dairy farms in Northern Ireland were visited in 2019 on three occasions over a 3 week period to measure and collate data on the environment pertaining to calf management. Full details...

Diagnosis of respiratory disease in adult cattle using ultrasonography

cow 6 weeks later after a change in antibiotic therapy to penicillin.

Reviewing the diagnosis and treatment of digital dermatitis in dairy herds

A reliable and affordable diagnostic test for BDD is not available and so the gold standard for diagnosis remains lifting feet for examination in a foot-trimming crush. This is time-consuming and...

Parasite control and Saint Swithin's Day

Depending on the results of monitoring since turnout and the outcome of the review, the possible actions that can be instigated around mid-July essentially revolve around pasture management or...

Sepsis in adult cattle

Sepsis is a known or suspected infection leading to systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) that is characterised by alterations in body temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate, and leukogram...

Use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs at calving

Calving is a complex process with three recognised stages (Figures 1 and 2), each associated with different sources of pain. Pain is a subjective experience defined by the International Association...

Practical implications of calf housing systems in the UK

The selection of the type of calf housing used on farm can be influenced by many factors, with an understanding of farmer perspectives proving helpful in the provision of appropriate veterinary...

Latest concepts relevant to treatment of digital dermatitis in dairy cattle

Digital dermatitis is a polymicrobial infection, with many hundreds of bacterial species found in lesions (Krull et al, 2014; Zinicola et al, 2015). Changes in bacterial populations and relative...

Challenges of pre-weaning calf housing

The prevalence of BRD in the UK has been reported to be 46%, accounting for approximately a third of deaths in pre-weaned calves (Johnson et al, 2017), and is considered to be the most important...

Milk quality

In summary, the increased Bactoscan could be explained by the issues of low-level bore hold water contamination that was then ‘multiplied up’ via a combination of header tanks (roof space, warm, never...