
Sheep-associated malignant catarrhal fever in cattle: an update

Mature herpes virions vary from 120–260 nm in size. The core of the virion comprises double-stranded DNA held inside a 115–130 nm icosahedral capsid. The nucleocapsid is surrounded by a dense...


There is considerable evidence that improving productivity reduces environmental impacts from livestock production. However, despite the negative impacts of animal diseases on reproduction, growth and...

The impact of bovine viral diarrhoea virus on fertility in cattle and the protective effect of vaccination

Acute or transient infection with the non-cytopathic biotype of BVDV results in viraemia within a few days that is cleared after 2 weeks as immunity develops (Howard, 1990), although more chronic...

Bedding material for dairy cows: effect on udder health and milk quality

Before exploring bedding materials, it is important to understand how bedding is used. Dairy cow lying areas can be designed in two ways: Loose housing: a large bedded area where cows can choose...

Genetic selection to reduce lameness in dairy cattle

Preventive medicine and health planning are the cornerstones of farm animal veterinary practice. Genetic selection is preventive medicine in its purest form – by choosing to breed animals with a low...

Cattle Review

Johne's disease is caused by Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP), which typically infects calves that remain latently infected during a long period, making early detection of...

Gwaredu BVD scheme: what next?

At the Royal Welsh Agricultural show held in July 2017, the Gwaredu BVD Scheme was launched. Industry led, this scheme was conceived as the first, and voluntary, part of a pathway for the Welsh cattle...

Improving trimming and treatment skills through a collaborative approach

The importance of bringing vets and trimmers together is one of the reasons why the BCVA/CHCSB programme of courses was designed around a vet and hoof trimmer instructor team consisting of a BCVA...

Impact of bovine herpesvirus-1 infection on fertility in dairy cattle

Primary infection with BoHV-1 results in local dissemination as the virus spreads from cell to cell across the mucosal surface, either in the respiratory or reproductive tract mucosa. It has proved...

The importance of progesterone in pregnancy establishment in cattle

High P4 concentrations during the growth of the ovulatory follicle are associated with improved oocyte quality and pregnancy outcomes (Pursley and Martins, 2012; Wiltbank et al, 2014; Bisinotto et al,...

Parasite control in cattle is evolving

The first step is to understand what the current worming strategy is and how long it has been in place..

Bull semen evaluation: avoiding artefacts

Regardless of the tools used for bull semen evaluation, accurate collection techniques are essential. This article shares advice to reduce the chance of artefacts occurring and increase trust in...