Valentina Busin

University of Glasgow, School of Veterinary Medicine, Garscube Estate, Glasgow, Scotland, 13 G61 1QH

Diagnostic testing in small ruminant medicine

The field of diagnostics, like many others, is fast evolving and many exciting new technologies have arisen in the last few years, which will help to overcome some of the challenges within small...

Ectoparasites in sheep

Among all the listed diseases that are related to ectoparasites, some are particularly relevant in the UK. To find out which diseases are common in a particular area, the surveillance tool developed...

Case report: failure of passive transfer and neonatal infections in a cohort of lambs

Over a 2-day period, in the first week of lambing, four 4–5-day-old lambs presented with weakness and unresponsiveness. A total of 10 out of 150 lambs died in this first week. The lambs were treated...