BVetMed MVetMed GCLT DipECBHM MRCVS, Veterinary surgeon at Quality Milk Management Services Limited, Wells
If breeding is progressing in the right direction, the youngest animals should have the highest genetic merit (García-Ruiz et al, 2016). However, there is likely to be variation across the population....
Before exploring bedding materials, it is important to understand how bedding is used. Dairy cow lying areas can be designed in two ways: Loose housing: a large bedded area where cows can choose...
Recently, work published at University of Nottingham has used machine learning to improve the original mastitis pattern analysis tool and has refined the algorithms used (Hyde et al, 2020). The...
When using OFC it is important that mastitis caused by Gram-positive pathogens is not missed, as these infections are likely to benefit from treatment. Table 1 shows reported sensitivity, specificity...
The annual incidence of clinical mastitis in dairy sheep and goats is estimated to be around 5% (Contreras et al, 2007). This is much lower than the 13–40% incidence of dairy cattle (Jamali et al,...
Mycoplasma spp. mastitis outbreaks are rare, but when they occur they tend to be characterised by recurrent mastitis that is non-responsive to treatment, and a high rate of subclinical infections.
Effective dry cow management is a crucial part of maximising dairy cow welfare and productivity. It has an impact on calving problems, early lactation metabolic disease, fertility, overall lactation...